Reading List for Aspiring Mathematicians
May 8, 2021
My first college major was neuroscience. I learned about the beauty of mathematics by chance conversations, and eventually decided I deserved to give myself a chance to explore it. When I decided to switch my major to Honours Mathematics, I felt behind my peers who chose math as their major because they had been good at it growing up. After three years in graduate school, I have made my own contributions to mathematics and been invited to various places to present my work to the mathematical community. Although I still struggle with mathematics (as all mathematicians do), I no longer feel the same sense of insecurity that plagued me as an undergrad.
New Talk About Research Motivations Available
April 19, 2021
A new talk is available for viewing. I gave a version of this talk today at UIC, and this recording was the practice. The content is motivated by growing pains I was having while writing my thesis, which I will elaborate a bit below.
Second Paper on arXiv
April 12, 2021
My second paper has been uploaded on arXiv. It is titled “Regular left-orders on groups” and is joint with Yago Antolín and Cristóbal Rivas. In case of interest, I have given talk back in November at Queen’s University on some of the results. A version of the talk is available on YouTube.
Looking For My Next Job
March 28, 2021
I am on the lookout for a job in either academia or industry. I have uploaded my academic research statement in the “About” section in case of interest. Currently, I am in the thesis-writing stage of my PhD and would be looking for something starting in the Fall or Winter. I am open to working on problems outside of the scope of the research statement, especially in an industry context. I think serendipity can be highly beneficial in my current situation, and unfortunately the pandemic does not allow for much of this, hence me posting this on my website. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a lead!
MathJax Errors Fixed
January 17, 2021
The broken math should have been fixed. Recently, I have upgraded the website from using MathJax 2 to MathJax 3. In the process, I have accidentally broken some math environments, causing some lines of maths to disappear for some months. This seems to have affected mostly the more mathematics-heavy posts (which are incidentally in the favourite category of posts - whoops). I think it should be fixed now. Apologies for the inconvenience.